The Ultimate Lynn Williams Quiz
Are you a fan of this high-scoring soccer superstar? Test your Lynn Williams trivia skills with this epic footballing quiz!
She's one of the most exciting up-and-coming names in football - and she seems like one of the nicest players too! If you think you know soccer star Lynn Williams then you'd better swot up and try out this goal-tastic soccer quiz! Only mega-fans will get 10/10!
Up for the challenge? Let's find out!

OK! Whereabouts in the world is Lynn Williams from?

And her team is called... what? Click to reveal!

Where did she get her big break playing football?

What was the first big team she played for?

Which Olympics did she take part in?

And what medal did she get alongside the rest of the team?

Lynn grew up on a farm. What kind of farm?

Which of these did she achieve?

Which of these causes is Lynn really involved in?

Lynn scored the winning goal in which game?

Eeeek! Oh no! This is not an ideal score! Tough luck! Lynn doesn't look too pleased with this... You'd better have another go at this, and fast! If you're totally stuck don't worry, we have loads of other soccer quizzes for you to try. Better luck next time!

OK! This is a pretty good score! Lynn has definitely seen better - which is why she doesn't look too impressed in this picture - but this is definitely a pretty good score. Do you think you can beat this result on a different soccer quiz? There's only one way to find out!

Yes!!! Well done! This is an excellent score and you've really proved you know a thing or two about Lynn Williams. She's very impressed - even if she doesn't look that enthusiastic. For a superstar like her, high scores are to be expected! Now, can you beat this score on a different quiz? Let's find out!

Amazing score! Perfect! This is a solid 10/10 - you just can't beat it! Great work - Lynn doesn't look super impressed, but she is! For an athlete like her, 10/10 is just anpther day! Now, can you match this score on anothersoccer quiz? Let's have a go and find out!