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Masashi Kishimoto Quiz - Are You The Kishi Expert?!

Masashi Kishimoto is one of the top players in the world of manga and anime, but how well do you know them!?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

They’ve been on the scene for a long time, and have created some of anime and mangas most loved characters. They’re a super talented artist and the world wouldn’t be the same without them in it - but how well do you know the artist behind the art? Are you an expert on the person behind the pen, or are you only in it for the characters? Let’s find out!


Masashi is an artist, but what style of art does he create?


Masashi has sold millions of copies of his work around the world, but where is he from?


What huge series is he most famous for?


Did Mashashi write Boruto?


Which manga inspired Masashi to start making his own?


Masashi has a twin brother, what is their job?


One of Masashi’s close friends is Eiichiro Oda, another famous artist, which manga did they create?


Before Naruto was a ninja, Masashi thought the character would be a…


Masashi nearly gave up on making manga - but what famous anime film inspired him?


As well as being inspired by manga, Masashi was also inspired by one of the greatest martial arts actors in the world - who was it?

Alright! Okay, this isn’t the best result you could have gotten, in fact it’s the worst, but don’t worry! Mashashi didn’t just wake up one day as an incredible artist, it took time, patience and practice. So stick with it and have another go! We’re sure you can do better, why not have another try?!

Nice! Now we’re getting somewhere! You clearly know a thing or two about Mashashi and their art, so you should be pretty pleased with yourself - but we think you can do better, in fact - we know you can! So how about trying this quiz again and seeing if you can score higher? Flex those brain cells and get yourself prepared, we go again!

Wow! You’ve got a really good score here! You know a seriously surprising amount about Mr Kishimoto! Well done! Your knowledge about his work and life are really very impressive - you deserve a medal, or a badge or something - sadly all we can give you is a digital huge thumbs up! Great work! There isn’t much room to improve here, but if you really fancy having another try, you might score full marks! Now wouldn’t that be something!?

POW! You’ve done it, how?! Somehow you managed to get every single answer to this quiz correct, thats quite a feat! Well done! This kind of thing doesn’t happen very often, it’s not every day that a genius enters that chat after all! Incredible stuff, take a bow and receive the applause of everyone around you - you deserve it! But now you’ve climbed this mountain, what’s next? Another quiz? A victory lap? World domination? It’s up to you!

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