The Ultimate Maverick Baker Quiz
Try this cool Maverick Baker Quiz and Test Your Knowledge!
The Ultimate Maverick Baker Quiz

@maverickbaker | TikTok
When is Maverick's birthday?

Famous Birthdays | Youtube
What is Maverick's brother called?

@maverickbaker | TikTok
Is he the oldest or youngest of the two brothers?

Cash & Maverick | Youtube
What is Maverick's star sign?

Cash & Maverick | Youtube
What does his sister Lani Lynn do?

Cash & Maverick | Youtube
What is Maverick's hometown?

Cash & Maverick | Youtube
True or False: Maverick claims he can communicate with birds?

Cash & Maverick | Youtube
What colour are Maverick's eyes?

Cash & Maverick | Youtube
What is Maverick famous for?

Cash & Maverick | Youtube
What's Maverick's favourite food?

Full marks! You're a bit of a maverick for Maverick!

Well done, you've proved you're a big Maverick Baker fan!

Not bad, but we're sure you know more about Maverick! Have another go!

Oh no! Bad luck. Maybe if you have another go, you'll score higher?