This Nathaniel Bandy Quiz Is The Best In The Universe!
How well do you know this totally leebic Youtube gamer? Answer these epic quiz questions and find out!
He's one of the internet's finest pranksters and his gaming videos have earned him heaps of praise and a LOT of subscribers too! But how much do you really know about this Nintendo and Youtube comedian? Take this epic trivia quiz and find out!
What are you waiting for? Let's go!

Where is Nathaniel from?

What kind of games does Nathaniel like best?

Tricky one! What was his online name before he used Nathaniel Bandy?

Which of these is NOT a real video by Nathan?

What's the name of the group he's in?

What's his animated series called?

What word does he use to mean good?

Which of these ISN'T a series of his videos?

He has a 2nd channel called... what?

Guess the title of this video!

Ouch! Oh dear. This is embarrassing. You do know who Nathaniel is, right? No, not Bathaniel! Never mind. Let's try a different Youtuber quiz and forget this ever happened!

Pretty good! You definitely know a thing or two about Nathaniel (or is that Bathaniel?)! You did miss a few right answers though, so maybe have another go and see if you can score a little higher? Or if you've had enough Bandy for one day, try one of our other Youtuber quizzes!

Nicely done! There's nothing you don't know about Bandy and his Universe! Well, almost nothing... because you did juuust miss out on full marks. Do you know where you went wrong? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different Youtuber quiz!

Amazing score! Full marks! Perfect! You couldn't have done any better at this one! Great...now, can you get full marks on a different Youtuber quiz? We have plenty more to choose from!