The Big Blam-tastic Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed! Ultimate Quiz
How much do you know about Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed? Take our fantastic quiz and find out!

What's the name of this robotic villain?

What kind of ‘food’ does the gang usually get served in the cafeteria?

What type of dog is Gnasher?

This leaky tap gets crowned 'Galahad Point' - but what is it?

What superpowers would Pieface dream of having?

According to Ralf, who else in Dennis’s family has the ‘Prank Force’?

What’s Pieface’s real name?

When not in the cave, where does Yeti spend time hiding?

What's this evil professor's REAL name?

When in time does the Professor's machine send Dennis and Gnasher?

What's the name of this big piggie?

What's JJ's shopping trolley filled with?

Who does Pieface sometimes receive postcards from?

On Dennis TV, what kind of hotline does Pieface run?

Which of these was NOT an event in Extreme Sports Day?

Who are these two TV stars?

Dennis always wears a helmet when riding his...

Which wacky professor lives here?

What job does Walter's father have?

What company owns this evil factory?

Yikes. You would have gotten a better score just clicking randomly around the whole page!

A good start, but you definitely need to watch some more episodes before you try again!

You score better than most! But try again to see if you can really mess with the best!

Blam to the Max! You made it through this epic quiz, AND got most of the questions right!