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Norris Nuts Do Stuff Quiz Thumbnail

Norris Nuts Do Stuff Quiz

How much do you know about the Nuts' other channel?!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Norris Nuts Do Stuff Quiz

1/8 Norris Nuts Video
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

How many subscribers does the channel have as of October 2021?

2/8 Norris Nuts Video
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

What year was the channel created?

3/8 Norris Nuts Video
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

Which one of these is NOT one of the Norris Nuts?

4/8 Norris Nuts Video
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

How many views has the channel had?

5/8 Norris Nuts Video
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

Which of these is NOT a type of video the Norris Nuts do on the channel?

6/8 Norris Nuts Video
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

Where do the Norris Nuts live?

7/8 Norris Nuts Video
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

What power do the twins claim to have in their challenges?

8/8 Norris Nuts Video
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

Who cheats in the 'Blindfolded Slime Challenge Gone Wrong?'

Amazing result thumbnail
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

Amazing, you're the Norris Nuts number one fan!

Well done result thumbnail
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

Well done, you know loads about the Norris Nuts!

Try again result thumbnail
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

Not bad, but you can always score higher! Have a look at the channel and then have another go!

Oh no result thumbanil
Norris Nuts Do Stuff | Youtube

Uh oh, looks like you don't know much about the Norris nuts! Nevermind, that's just a great excuse to go and watch all their videos!