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Art Quiz: Can You Identify The Artists Who Made These Famous Paintings?

Art fans will want to pay special attention to this quiz! See if your knowledge of the most famous artists of all time can get you a perfect score!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated September 18th 2024
Scored 100%

Are you mad about art and crazy about painting? Then this is the quiz for you! See if you can identify the legend behind all of these super-famous paintings! Some will be easy, but others might be a little more challenging - can you recognise them all? Of course you can! And why not check out some of out other art stuff? Learn all about pop art or Pablo Picasso, or find out what work of art you could make right now!

The Mona Lisa | Leonardo da Vinci | The Louvre

Do you know who painted this very famous portrait?

The Last Supper | Leonardo da Vinci | Santa Maria delle Grazie

And this famous scene?

The Starry Night | Vincent Van Gogh | Museum of Modern Art

Who painted this very famous landscape?

The Persistance of Memory | Salvador Dali | Museum of Modern Art

Can you identify the artist behind this popular piece?

The Kiss | Gustav Klimt | Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere

What about this gilded masterpiece?

Campbell's Soup Cans | Andy Warhol | Museum of Modern Art

Who made this famous piece of pop art?

Self-portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the United States | Frida Kahlo | Detroit Institute of Arts

Who painted this strange self-portrait?

Stage Rehearsal | Edgar Degas | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Who painted this beautiful scene?

Water Lilies and the Japanese Bridge | Claude Monet | Princeton University Art Museum

Who painted this dreamy scene?

Guernica | Pablo Picasso | Museo Reina Sofia

And finally, who's behind this striking scene?

Oh no - looks like you need to learn a lot more about art! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go - and it's a great excuse to go and look at some fabulous art!

Not bad at all - you know a few things about art! Well done! We just know you can do better though - why not have another go and see?

Very good - you're a bit of an art aficionado! Well done! Next time, you're bound to get a perfect score!

A perfect score! How amazing - you know EVERYTHING about art, and now you have the score to prove it! Well done!