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Fake or real football teams?

Are These Football Teams Real or Fake?

Can you spot the fake teams lurking in this quiz? Let's find out!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Let's see if you can sniff out the fake teams!

1/10 A striker scores a goal

Which of these London English Premiership teams don't exist?

2/10 A footballer prepares to take a penalty

Can you spot the fake Scottish team?

3/10 A striker takes a shot at goal

Which of these Los Angeles teams are real?

4/10 A Welsh football

Which of these Welsh teams were just made up for this quiz?

5/10 A French football fan

Which of these French teams are real?

6/10 Swedish football fans cheer on their team

Let's pick the fake Swedish team next...

7/10 A Northern Ireland football stadium

Can you spot the real Northern Ireland football team?

8/10 English football fans dress up for the occasion

Which of these professional English teams are completely made up?

9/10 A happy German soccer fan at stadium

Can you tell us which of these German Bundesliga teams are real?

10/10 An Italian footballer stands at the edge of the pitch

Can you spot the fake Italian team?

A football fan looks disappointed!

Oh dear! Do you even like football? Tell you what, have another go. We believe in you!

A happy football fan!

Good effort! A solid performance for the full 90 minutes. Why not have another go and try to get an even better score?

Great stuff! You just missed out on getting a perfect score. Why not have another go and see if you can become a champ!

A football fan cheers a goal

Amazing! It seems you know everything about football. What a soccer superstar!