Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed! – The BLAM-tastic Gadget Quiz!
In Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed! which character owns which gadgets? And what do they do? Test your techy knowledge with our epic gadget quiz!
Guess the gadget!

This gadget is designed to make the perfect slice of toast. But what is it called?

Pieface found a robo-bestie in this spritely pie. But what nickname does he give him?

Don't go messing around with the gadgets in Screwtop's lab! Can you remember what this machine does?

Get ready, gadget gang! What's the name of Walter's special bracelet?

This launcher can chuck water balloons, stink bombs, and even dogs! Who uses it the most?

Be loud and be proud! What's this awesome gadget called?

Blam! Gadget Master! You're a tech-xpert!

Blamazing job, gadget-fans but maybe you can try again to see if you can get the perfect score?

Guffmuffins! Nice try, but not nice enough. Time to watch a few more episodes and try again.

Oh dear. You probably break more gadgets than you buy!