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Quiz: Which Pirate Arr Ye?

Avast Bucko! ARRR ye an old sea dawg or a deck swabbing scally? Mizzen our Quizzen to find out! YAAAR!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Yaaar, it be International Pirate Day - or it was when we scribed this here quiz! Celebrate this annual celebration of peg legs, parrots, plunder and PIRATES! YAAAR AGAIN!

1/6 pirate dog waving ahoy

Ahoy there, matey!

2/6 the sea

Which o' these vessels would ye take to the seas?

3/6 salt and vinegaaaar crisps

How haaard do ye find openin' a packet o' crisps?

4/6 suspecting pirate

Yar not be somekind of landlubber, do ye?

5/6 scared sea dog

Which o' these timbers make ye shiver?

6/6 map of pants island

Where did ye hide yer booty?

Capt. Jack Sparrow

Yar be Captain Jack Sparrow!



Yar be Metalbeard!

Master builder of the seven seas!

Capt. Hook

Yar be Captain Hook!

Keep an eye out for crocs, matey!

a Pie Rat

Yar be a Pie Rat!

Have yourself a hearty steak and kidney!