Roblox: Be a Ball Quiz
Can you speed-run this marble-ous Roblox marble run quiz? Try this Roblox Be A Ball quiz and find out once and for all!
Roblox: Be A Ball is exactly what it says on the tin! It's YOUR chance to do what you've always wanted and just be a ball! So roll on, slide down and spin off this epic quiz about your new favourite Roblox game! Let's find out if you know everything there is to know!
Ready to get quizzing? Sure you are!

Be A Ball is also known as... what?

How many different marble runs are there?

The marble runs are split into different... what?

On each floor, each run has a different... what?

What happens when you roll over the blue button at the bottom?

You play the game in a kind of see-through marble. Which of these is NOT a word for a round, marble-shaped thing?

How do you win Be A Ball?

Who made the game?

What happens if you join the group?

What's this thing called?

Oh - errr, well this is awkward. This isn't your best work. Maybe you should have a few more goes on the game and then come back to try again? Better luck next time and remember - we have lots more Roblox quizzes where this one came from!

Pretty good! You know your stuff! This is a good result, but not quite high enough to bag a high score. Unlucky! Would you like to have another go? Or you can try a different Roblox quiz - we have plenty more where this one came from!

Nice score! Very nice, in fact! Well done! You almost got 100% on this one! This is a really good score - do you know where you went wrong? Let's see if you can beat this high score on a different gaming quiz. We have lots more!

Amazing! You got a high score! This is an incredible score - you got every single one right! Well done! You can't beat this perfect result - but you might be able to match it on a different Roblox quiz. Up for the challenge? We have lots more where this one came from!