Roblox: Berry Avenue Trivia Quiz!
It’s time to explore a whole new world, but do you know where you’re going?!
Berry Avenue is one of the best Roblox games out there and you can spend a lot of time exploring the world of Berry Avenue. There’s so much to do and plenty of things to get on with, you can almost live a whole new life on this game. But do you think you know it well enough to score 100% on this quiz?!

What game is Berry Avenue on?

What kind of game is Berry Avenue?

Can you drive cars in Berry Avenue?

What is the name of the clothing shop by the seafront?

When was it started?

According the the game’s lore - what animal lives in the mountains?

What is the name of the club in Berry Avenue?

What is the tallest building in the city?

Is there a school in Berry Avenue?

Can you decorate your own home in the game?

Oh dear! It looks like you could do with a bit more time in the world of Berry Avenue, you haven’t scored as highly as we think that you should have done. So why not have another go and try and get higher up the scoreboard!? Good luck!

Pow! Alright! Now we’re getting somewhere, you’ve got your gaming groove on and you're definitely on the right track! You’ve clearly spent a bit of time in the world of Berry Avenue and you know your stuff - but with a bit more practice you could score higher! Why not give this quiz another try, or of course you could always check out some of the other amazing Roblox quizzes we’ve got!?

Awesome! There’s basically nothing you don’t know about Berry Avenue! When the game developers need to find bugs, you're the person they come to! Well done! You know this game like the back of your hand, or almost, there is still a teenie weenie space to do better, so if you think you’ve got it in you to score 100% let’s have another go!

Blam! You’ve crushed it, there is literally nothing you don’t know about Berry Avenue, it’s almost as if you invented the game yourself! Great work! There’s no room for improvement, you’re up there at the top of the pile, the view must be good! Why not try your hand at some of the other quizzes on the site and see if you can beat them too?!