Roblox: Life Together Quiz
Click here to find out how much you really know about this amazing Roblox game! There's more to Life Together than you think!
Are you a fan of this awesome Roblox game? Whatever you like to do in the game - hanging out, building stuff or customising your outfits - we're sure this quiz will put your Life Together skills to the test! So find out if you've been paying attention with this tricky 10 question gaming quiz!
Good luck!

What kind of game is Life Together?

Who made it?

Which of these things can you make in the game?

Can you meet up with friends in the game?

What age ranges is the game OK for?

Brookhaven is a.... what?

Can you customise cars in the game?

There is a futuristic laser repair shop in the game. True or false?

Which of these can you use in the game?

What is on the pier?

Bah! Tough luck! This isn't your best work! But never mind, we all make mistakes. Here, have another go and we're sure you'll score a bithigher necxt time! But if you don't fancy it you can always try one of our other gaming quzzes!

Pretty good! You know a thing or two about Life Together! This is a decent score... but you did get a few wrong. Do you knwo which questions? Have another go and let's see if you can score even higher! Good luck!

Wahoo! Nicely done! This is a really good score! You almost got 10/10! Do you know where you went wrong? You've proved your knowledge of this Roblox game - fancy seeing if you can beat this score on a different quiz? We have loads more!

Amazing! You nailed this quiz! There's nothing you odn't know about this awesome role-play Roblox game! You can't beat this score - but you might be able to match it on a different Roblox quiz. Up for the challenge? Let's go!