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Saffron Barker Quiz: Can You Get 100 Percent?

How much do you know about Saffron? Take this quiz to find out!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
1/8 Brighton beach

Where is Saffron from?

2/8 Couple's dancing feet

Which show has Saffron recently been on?

3/8 Slice of cake on blue background

When is Saffron's birthday?

4/8 Two girls singing together

What's the name of Saffron's band?

5/8 Twin men on blue background

How many brothers does Saffron have?

6/8 Open book in library

What's the name of Saffron's book?

7/8 Jar of money on table with love heart background

Which of these charities has Saffron raised money for?

8/8 Man and woman embracing in park

Who has Saffron dated in the past?

Wow result thumbnail
@saffronbarker | Instagram

Wow, you're the ultimate Saffron fan! You know everything there is to know about this awesome Youtuber! 

Well done result thumbnail
@saffronbarker | Instagram

Well done, you're clearly a big fan of Saffron!

Try again result thumbnail
@saffronbarker | Instagram

You know a couple of things about Saffron, but why not check out her videos to learn a bit more!

Oh no result thumbnail
@saffronbarker | Instagram

Uh oh, you're clueless about Saffron! Maybe you're thinking of saffron the spice? Nevermind, go and watch her videos and then have another go!