How Much Do You Know About the Scouts?
Test your knowledge of this much-loved outdoors adventure movement with this epic quiz! Don't forget your wellies!
The Scouts - or the Scouts Association to use their full name - have been going for ages! But what's it all about? What are those woggle things for? Are you a member? Test yourself on the past and future of the Scouts with this adventurous quiz!

What do Scouts do?

Who started the Scouts?

The Scouts are everywhere now. But where did they start?

How many Scouts are there in THE WHOLE WORLD now?

Which of these things would you NOT normally do at Scouts?

Before you get to Scouts, there are other groups you can join. Which one of these is for the youngest kids?

What's a fancy word for reading a compass and using it to find the right way?

When you learn a new skill you... what?

Girls aren't allowed in the Scouts any more. True or false?

The Scouts used to be very old fashioned, but they've changed a lot. Who is welcome in the Scouts now?

Grrrr! Well, this isn't the best result we've seen all day! If this was a knot you should unpick it and start again! In fact, maybe you should have another go at this quiz. Better luck next time!

Not too shabby! This is a decent score! You know your stuff. We reckon you could do a bit better if you had another go, though! Up for it? If not we have loads of other quizzes to try!

Great! This is a really good score! You know absolutely loads about the Scouts! Top work! You almost got full marks... Know where you went wrong? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different quiz!

High score! Fantastic work! You are a scouting expert! Nothing gets past you! This is the perfect score so there's no improving on this... But can you match it on a different quiz? Let's find out!