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Special U.S Coins Quiz

Are you ready for this coin-tastic quiz? Check out our newly minted questions and see how many you can get right! Are you the king or queen of coins? Let's find out!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated March 3rd 2025

How much do you know about American coins and what they're REALLY worth? Can you tell your dollar from your dime? Let's find out with this quiz all about US coins and their history! Can you get gold? And if you liked this, we've got loads more USA quizzes right here! What about this ultimate American history quiz? Or maybe you'd prefer this US inventions quiz? Or how about this US wildlife quiz?

1/10 American revolutionary with flag and question marks

What year was the first ever silver dollar minted?

2/10 American dollars with George Washington making a goofy face

And how much is it worth today?

3/10 Grave stone reading 'Here lies George Washington (and one nickel)'

True or false: George Washington was buried with the first ever nickel coin in his hand?

4/10 Old timey photo of men in a bank

What happened in 1933 that stopped some coins being produced?

5/10 Eagle on a gold coin

How many copies of the 1804 Eagle $10 gold piece are known to exist?

6/10 Man making money sign with money sunglasses and gold dust

True or false; Originally, instead of dollars, the USA was going to have 'Dollary-doos'?

7/10 Owl and badger on silver coin background

Which animal is on the rare 1915 Panama Pacific $50 dollar gold coin?

8/10 Woman's face on a gold coin

In what year was the first coin minted with a real woman depicted on it (Susan B Anthony)?

9/10 Queen Victoria grinning with yellow splats

True or false: Queen Victoria loved collecting American coins?

10/10 Question marks on gold coin background

Finally, the worlds most valuable coin is the 1933 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle - but how much is it worth?

Uh oh, looks like you can't put your money where your mouth is! Have another go and see if you can do any better!

Uh oh, looks like you can't put your money where your mouth is! Have another go and see if you can do any better!

Hmm, you got a couple of questions right, but you'll need to score higher to be a coin king or queen! Try again!

Hmm, you got a couple of questions right, but you'll need to score higher to be a coin king or queen! Try again!

Good job! Someone's a bit of a numismatist (that means coin enthusiast) Ready to get 100% next time?

Good job! Someone's a bit of a numismatist (that means coin enthusiast) Ready to get 100% next time?

Incredible! You must be in charge of the US Treasury or something, because you got full marks! Congrats!

Incredible! You must be in charge of the US Treasury or something, because you got full marks! Congrats!