SpongeBob: Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated Quiz!
We love this game! It takes you right into a whole brand new story set in the amazing world of Spongebob and his friends! But how well do you know the game - can you get 100%?
When Plankton's latest attempt to steal the secret Krabby Patty went completely wrong (as usual), Bikini Bottom was thrown into chaos! Only one Sponge, with a little help from his friends, can save the day! Why not test out your knowledge of this game and see if you've got what it takes to win the Battle for Bikini Bottom!?

What is the name of Plankton's machine?

Where is the game set?

What is the magic word?

How many changes of clothes does Spongebob have in his closet?

Finish this location name - 'Jellyfish...'

What does Spongebob really want?

What did the robots steal to stop the town evacuating?

What is Sandy's first mission?

Where does King Neptune live?

What does Sandy surf on?

Uh oh! Okay, Bikini Bottom may still be a complete wreck but it's not all bad news, the robots don't care much about the secret Krabby Patty recipe! Why not have another go and see if you can do better?

Nice! Bikini Bottom is safe in your hands! Well, mostly safe... You've done a good job here - why not try the quiz again and see if you can get 100%?

Alright! Now we're talking! You're well on your way to getting full marks on this quiz! With knowledge like yours those pesky robots wont stand a chance!

Wow! There's no stopping you! You've got 100% - you should be very pleased with yourself! Great work - why not try your hand at some other Spongebob quizzes and see how you can do?!