Ultimate SpongeBob SquigglePants Quiz!
See how much you know about the most challenging game under the sea, SpongeBob SquigglePants!
It's time to dive into Bikini Bottom! Let's see how well you know the SpongeBob spin-off game SpongeBob SquigglePants, a game that lets your imagination fly (or should that be, swim?)! Don't forget to check out our other SpongeBob quizzes - see how well you know the show, or find out which character you are!

What cartoon is the game based on?

In which year did the game come out?

What device can you play it on?

What kind of game is it?

What's the name of the pirate host?

What do you do in the game?

True or false: the game lets you draw!

What do you have to do in "That Takes The Spongecake"?

Patchy is played by Tom Kenny, but who else does he play?

What was special about the art you could draw in the game?

Oh no - looks like you have a lot to learn about SpingeBob Squigglepants! Don't worry , you can always come back and have another go later!

Not bad atl all! You know a fair amount about the game - well done! Next time you're sure to get a higher score!

Very good! You know a lot about the game - well done! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

A perfect score - well done! You know more about this game than anyone in the world! How incredible!