US State Capitals Quiz
Are you Uncle Sam or auntie's bloomers? Test your knowledge with this US state capitals quiz!

The capital of Arizona is…

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The capital of Mississippi is…

The capital of Kentucky is…

Image by Giphy
The capital of Florida is…

The capital of Arkansas is…

The capital of Idaho is…

The capital of Tennessee is…

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The capital of Hawaii is…

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The capital of California is…

The capital of New Mexico is…

Amazing! You really know your state capitals! Go to the head of the class. Well Done!

Pretty good! You're not quite the capital crackerjack, but a great effort! why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Not so hot! You're not quite a capital calamity, but you could do better. Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Oh dear! You really are a capital calamity... you know less about America than the president! Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?