Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions
As the USA prepares for their annual celebrations on November 26, test your nerve by taking the toughest quiz ever!
Answer A or B in the questions below then click the RESULTS at the bottom of the page to find out out your choices compare to other people!

Would you rather...
- Sit in a bath of gravy 0.7 %
- Use gravy as a deodorant for a week 0.3 %

Would you rather...
- Celebrate Thanksgiving once a week and ignore Christmas 0.1 %
- Celebrate Christmas once a week and ignore Thanksgiving 0.9 %

Would you rather...
- Store baking potatoes in your new trainers 0.5 %
- Balance a turkey on your head for an hour 0.5 %

Would you rather...
- Only eat carrots all day 0.7 %
- Only eat pumpkin all day 0.3 %

Would your rather...
- Wear a pilgrim costume all day 0.4 %
- Wear a turkey costume all day 0.6 %

Would you rather...
- Clap constantly during a Thanksgiving Day parade 0.6 %
- Cheer constantly during a Thanksgiving Day parade 0.4 %

Would you rather...
- Have a greasy burger with Donald Trump 0.6 %
- Eat a plate of delicious vegetables at the rubbish dump 0.4 %

Would you rather...
- Cook a massive meal 0.8 %
- Do the washing up 0.2 %

Would you rather...
- Eat nothing but turkey all week 0.6 %
- Talk like a turkey all week 0.4 %

Would you rather...
- Talk like a turkey 0.3 %
- Walk like a turkey 0.7 %
Find Out How Your Choices Compare Against Other People Here!

Did You Mostly Answer A, B or somewhere in between?

You answered mostly A!
From your answers, we can tell you take Thanksgiving stuff seriously, especially when it comes to turkeys! But then again, doesn't everyone? Keep making great choices and have a great day!

Mostly B!
You're thoughtful when it comes to Thanksgiving but hey, at the end of the day whatever choice you make is pretty cool with us!

Somewhere in between
Hey, we get it - making choices can be tricky and that's okay. Maybe it's turkey this time, cranberry sauce and potatoes next, that's what makes life interesting!