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The Amazing Impact of US Inventions: How Much Do You Know?

If you're a tech head, this is the quiz for you! See how much you know about the history of the US's most significant inventions!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated February 24th 2025

Inventions are a truly wonderful thing, and the USA has some of the best ones! Inventions can really change the way we live our lives, and this quiz will test your knowledge of some of the biggest game-changers in American history. See how high you can score - are you an innovator, or will you fizzle out? And we've got so many more quizzes waiting for you when you're done, too - try our US invention history quiz, or see if you know all these firsts in US landmarks!


Which US inventor is often credited as the inventor of the lightbulb?


Alexander Graham Bell is remembered as an American-Canadian inventor - but where was he born?


Madam C.J. Walker was the first self-made female millionaire. What did she invent?


The first patent in North America was issued in 1641! What was it for?


Which of these vaccines was made by an American inventor?


Isaac Singer didn't invent this machine, but he patented a popular version of it. Which machine was it?


Charles Goodyear stumbled upon his greatest invention by accident - what was it?


Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor. What was he most famous for contributing to?


In which US state was the golf buggy invented?


Which of these American inventions was NOT invented by a woman?

Oops - it seems you have a lot to learn about US inventions! Not to worry, it was a tricky quiz and you can always come back and have another go!

Not bad at all - you definitely know a little bit about US inventions! Well done! We know you can get a higher score, though - why not try again later and see?

Wow, a great score! Well done! You definitely know more about US inventions than the average person. Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

A perfect score - absolutely incredible! You know so much about US inventions, you must be a historian, or an inventor in the making! Well done!