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The Coolest Olympic Swimming Quiz

Can you make a big splash with this awesome quiz and get 20/20? Challenge your Olympic swimming knowledge with this cool quiz and see how well you do!

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Beano Quiz Team โ€ข Updated August 21st 2024

Swimming is one of the coolest (literally) sports in the Olympics games, and what better way to celebrate than with this ultimate Olympic swimming quiz? Test your knowledge on all things aquatic and see how much you know! If you liked this, why not try out our other cool quizzes, including our ultimate swimming quiz, ultimate Olympics quiz and our ultimate sports quiz!

1/20 Vintage photo of woman on beach

What year was swimming first introduced to the modern Olympics?

2/20 Divers in pool and Beano Neptune statue

How many different swimming events are there?

3/20 Swimmers in pool with emoji

What was Artistic Swimming previously known as?

4/20 Swimming medals with question marks

Who has the most Olympic swimming medals?

5/20 Female swimmer with medals on white background with yellow splat

Which country has the SECOND most swimming medals?

6/20 Woman with UK flag on white background with derpy dog face

Which of these Olympians is in the Team GB swimming Team?

7/20 Beluga whale and dolphin on watery background with yellow splat

How many people are in Team GB's Swimming team?

8/20 Beano Mermaid in pool

What's the measurements of an Olympic sized pool?

9/20 Screaming pineapple on diving board

How high is the highest diving board for an Olympic diving pool?

10/20 Hand checking tap with face's water

What temperature is an Olympic pool?

11/20 Man and woman underwater smiling at camera

How many mixed (men and women's) swimming events are at the Tokyo Olympics?

12/20 Swimmers in pool and Beano dolphin

True or false: Artistic swimming is one of only two events that is women only?

13/20 Vintage photo of female swimmers by pool

What year was Olympic swimming first open to women?

14/20 Swimmer in pool and screaming pineapple

What are the four main swimming styles used at the Olympics?

15/20 Narwhal and little girl in pool

What's the name of the swimming venue for Tokyo 2020?

16/20 Cool crab and selkie under deep water

What's the minimum depth an Olympic diving pool must be?

17/20 Vintage photo of diver and swimmer watching

What was unusual about the first time swimming was included in the Olympics?

18/20 Female swimmer with medals and trophy on orange background with yellow question mark

Joyce Cooper has the most medals for British women - but how many does she have?

19/20 Man holding flags and medal on blue background with derpy dog face

How many swimming medals has Britain won in total as of 2021 since the modern Olympics started?

20/20 Man in old fashioned stripey bathing suit on white background with arrow

In 1908, Britain won its only medal for backstroke - but what was the name of the swimmer?

Winner result

Incredible! You're an Olympics swimming expert and you should be on the judging panel!

Well done result

Well done! You know loads about swimming, diving and the Olympics!

Try again result

Not bad, but you've missed a few important things about swimming at the Olympics! Try again and see if you score higher!

Oh no result!

Uh oh, looks like you've belly-flopped this quiz! Never mind, towel yourself off and try again!