Roarsome Dinosaur Quiz: Can You Get All 27 Right?
Do you know your Pterodactyls from your Pentaceratops? Find out by taking this ultimate dinosaur quiz!
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While we don't have an exact number, we reckon it's been a good few years since dinosaurs roamed the earth. At least 100 years. How much do you know about these massive, magnificent beasts? Are you a dinosaur expert or just a casual fan? Test your trivia now in this dinosaur picture quiz and find out how much you know about these fearsome reptiles!

What dinosaur is this?

What size could a Velociraptor's claw grow up to?

Tyrannosaurus Rex was a herbivore - True or false?

What was the first dinosaur ever named, way back in 1824?

In what year were dinosaur remains first discovered in North America?

What does Tyrannosaurus Rex mean?

What sort of dinosaur-like animal is Nessie sometimes depicted as?

When did dinosaurs go extinct?

What colour was the Tyrannosaurus rex?

During which period did the Tyrannosaurus rex live?

What does 'triceratops' mean?

What caused dinosaurs to go extinct?

What were the biggest dinosaurs?

True or false: a Pterodactyl is a dinosaur

Why is a Brontosaurus not really a dinosaur?

Which of the following ate meat?

What does the word dinosaur mean?

What height could a Brachiosaurus reach?

What is the name of someone who studies dinosaurs?

How big was the average Tyrannosaurus rex tooth?

Who discovered the first dinosaur fossil in England in 1822?

What did the majority of dinosaurs eat?

Which dinosaur was the size of a chicken?

True or false: birds evolved from dinosaurs

What dinosaur-themed book was turned into a film in 1993?

The Diplodocus lived in which period?

Which Toronto basketball team has a dinosaur claw on their club badge?

Oh dear! Have another go. We believe in you!

Good effort! Why not watch Jurassic Park and come back later for another go!

Great! You know your stuff! Why not have another go and try to get an even better score?

Amazing! You pretty much know all there is to know about dinosaurs. Take the rest of the day off and relax – you've earned it!