The Ultimate Biology Quiz & Trivia!
Are you a biology boffin? Or alkynes of hopeless? Take the quiz and find out!

Which of these animals isn't an insect?

Which of these is a mammal?

Where would you find a koala?
4/15 Where would you find the Amazon Rainforest

Which of these is a crustacean (and thus related to this happy crab)?

How many bones are in the adult human body?

What is a baby frog called?

Which of these is NOT a human sense?

A horse is a herbivore - true or false?

How many nerve cells are in your brain?

How much saliva does one person produce in a lifetime?

When you wake up in the morning you are…

Which of these creatures would leave a fingerprint if they committed a crime?

How much electricity does the human brain generate?

Dolphins are part of the cetacean family - which also includes what?

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