The Ultimate Fungus Among Us Quiz!
How much do you know about these gross-looking toys? Test your trivia now!

Vivid Toy Group
What is the name of these characters whose job is to keep the fungus at bay?

Fungus Amungus Toys | YouTube
In 'Oozey Encounters', what is Sweaty Hetty's grossness level?

Vivid Toy Group
What's the name of this blam-looking accessory?

Fungus Amungus Toys | YouTube
In 'Tropical Fever', what's the name of this creature the Bio-Busters come face to face with?

Vivid Toy Group
This gross infected eyeball actually has a name. Do you know what it is?

Fungus Amungus Toys | YouTube
What's the name of this bug the Bio-Buster comes face to face with in 'Friendly Frenzy'?

Vivid Toy Group
What's the name of this Fungus AmungUs vehicle?

Vivid Toy Group
This disgusting character is only available with the Slammer Hammer toy. What is it called?

Fungus Amungus Toys | YouTube
Which bug can be seen lurking around in someone's mouth in Beastly Bodies?

Vivid Toy Group
This accessory looks handy in the fight against bacteria. Can you name this piece of specialised equipment?

Fungus Amungus Toys | YouTube
Which bug was trapped in a water cooler in the episode 'Festering Foodies'?

Vivid Toy Group
If you have the stomach for it, this scientific accessory lets you look at your Fungus toys up close! What's it called?

Vivid Toy Group
Oh no! You're clearly too squeaky clean to know much about Fungus AmungUs!

Vivid Toy Group
Good try! You did pretty well. Why not have another go?

Vivid Toy Group
Great work! You know a fair bit about these gross heroes!

Vivid Toy Group
Wow! You're a Fungus AmungUs genius!