LGBT Flag Quiz
How much do you know about the world-famous rainbow flag? Get set for Pride by taking this colourful LGBT quiz and find out!

In which year did the artist Gilbert Baker design the first Pride flag?

What does the L in LGBT stand for?

Rupaul's Drag Race | World of Wonder Productions | Amazon Studios
What are LGBT people most proud of?
4/9 Which one of these is the classic Pride flag?

Over the years, people have made different Pride flags to represent types of people who felt left out of the original flag. Who do you think is being honoured with this new flag?

The purple stripe in the Pride flag stands for REVENGE. True or false?

Andy Newman | Florida Keys News Bureau
How long is the world's longest ever Pride flag?

In some parts of the world you can get in a lot of trouble for flying the Pride flag. True or false?

@RobertEBlackmon | giphy
Who's allowed to fly the Pride flag?

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