The Ultimate RonaldOMG Quiz
Everyone knows RonaldOMG's GamerGirl's little bother. But how much more do you know about this awesome YouTuber?

Which game does RonaldOMG play the most?

What's the name of the YouTube channel he shares with his sister?

What's his big sister's name?

What is his sister's real name?

What star sign is RonaldOMG?

What country was Ronald born in? Here's the flag for a clue!

What was his first upload called?
8/8 What colour eyes does RonaldOMG have?

@SISvsBRO | YouTube
Oh dear. You know about YouTube, right? It's a website with loads of videos. You should try it one day! Have a RonaldOMG thumbs anyway, though

@SISvsBRO | YouTube

@SISvsBRO | YouTube