Tiana Trivia Quiz: What Percentage Tiana Are You?
How similar are you to YouTuber Tiana Wilson? Take this blam quiz and find out now!
Let's find out!

How many toys do you have?

You fancy a burger and some fries. How do you get to the restaurant?

You're in a huge shop. What's the first thing you do?

Zoella | YouTube
Which YouTuber can do do an impression of?

Do you like singing?

What star sign are you?

Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions | Warner Bros Television
Who's your friend?

You go on a shopping spree in a toy shop. What's the first thing you put in your basket?

What awesome name do your friends call themselves?

What's your favourite colour?

You are: 100% TIANA!
You're basically Tiana Wilson. Are you her? Be honest.

You are: 0% TIANA!
You're the exact opposite of Tiana Wilson. We're guessing your name is Keith or something.

Tiana Wilson | YouTube
You are: 63% TIANA!
You're quite similar to Tiana Wilson, from the collection of cool toys to arriving at a burger drive-thru in a toy car!

You are: 22% TIANA!
That's what our special quiz computer says. Don't agree? Take the quiz again!