Troy Bolton Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
Love Troy Bolton? Test your knowledge of East High's most famous student with this highly amusing High School Musical quiz!
He's the hero of High School Musical and everyone's favourite basketball-legend-turned-musical-theatre-star! But how much have you remembered about Troy from the High School Musical movies? If only there was some kind of quiz you could do to find out... Oh! There is! How convenient!
Fancy having a go, then? Read on, Troy fans!

The Wildcat's coach is Troy's... what?
2/10 Troy lives in New Mexico. Whereabouts is that on this map?

Which of these is one of Troy's weaknesses?

What number is Troy on the basketball team?

What colour shirt does Troy wear in each High School Musical movie? Click to reveal!

In High School Musical 3, what kind of car does Troy own?

Which one of these songs does Troy NOT sing in?

Finish this quote from Troy. "Once a Wildcat... "

Troy was a valedictorian. What's one of those?

What does Troy want to do as well as play basketball at University?

Oh dear! This isn't a very impressive score. You'd better have another go, and quick - Troy looks a bit disappointed! And remember, there are plenty of other great quizzes if you'd rather try those instead!

Nice work! This score could be a lot worse! It could also be a bit better though... do you know where you went wrong? Try another quiz when you're ready to see if you can beat this score!

Nicely done! Troy is very impressed! You clearly know loads about the man himself. How many times have you seen High School Musical? You just missed out on 100% though - do you know where you went wrong? Now see if you can get full marks on a different Disney quiz!

Wahoo! Nailed it!