The Ultimate Animal Crossing: New Horizons Quiz
How much do you know about the latest Animal Crossing game? Take this wild and crafty gaming quiz to find out!

Which of these gadgets can you get in the game?

What's the only way to collect deep sea creatures?

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
Which one of these is NOT a way to earn Nook miles?

Where can you customise your furniture?

@nokairlines | instagram
Is this airline from Animal Crossing or the real world?

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
The Museum is new to New Horizons. True or false?

Which of these extinct animals is in New Horizons?

How many sticks does it take to make a fishing pole?

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
In New Horizons, what can you choose about your island?

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
Is it Timmy or Tommy who stands outside the resident services tent with a flag?

Which of these tools break in New Horizons?

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
OOOF! Tom Nook does not look pleased! Never mind - try a different quiz?

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
Pretty good! Tom Nook has seen better though. Try again?

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
Nice! A decent score! But the question is...can you beat it on a different quiz? Sure you can!

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
Wahoo! You're a New Horizons expert! Great work! Beau is really very pleased!