Ultimate Caleb Burton Quiz!
How much do you know about this YouTuber? Take the quiz and find out!
Let's find out if you're a Caleb Burton superfan!
Caleb Burton | YouTube
In which month was Caleb born?
Caleb Burton | YouTube
Caleb has 2 sisters. What are their names?
@_calebburton | Instagram
Which famous YouTubers are friends with Caleb?
Caleb Burton | YouTube
The person on the left appears in Caleb's YouTube videos. What's this Instagram star's name?
@_calebburton | Instagram
If a Beano is 1cm high, how tall is Caleb in comics?
Caleb Burton | YouTube
What job does Caleb have?
Caleb Burton | YouTube
What's Caleb Burton's real name?
In which state was Caleb born?
Caleb Burton | YouTube
This image is from one of Caleb's most popular YouTube videos. What was its title?
Caleb Burton | YouTube
In the video 'WHO KNOWS ME BETTER?! My FRIENDS or My FANS!', who scored the most points?
Caleb Burton | YouTube
Oh no! Better luck next time!
Caleb Burton | YouTube
Good! Why not have another go?
Caleb Burton | YouTube
Great! You know a fair bit about Caleb Burton!
Caleb Burton | YouTube
Wow! You must be Caleb Burton to get a score like that!