Ultimate Grayson Dolan Quiz!
Are you a true Dolan twins fan? Know your Ethans from your Graysons? Then test your knowledge and take the ultimate quiz!

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Is Grayson taller than Ethan?

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What unique feature does Grayson have on his face?

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What word does Grayson Dolan have tattooed on his calf?

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What star sign is Grayson?

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What is Grayson Dolan’s middle name?

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What is Grayson’s favourite colour?

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What does Grayson prefer to peanut butter?

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What is Grayson’s favourite number?

Which song has Grayson said that he likes a lot?

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What was Grayson afraid of as a child?

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Amazing! You certainly know your Dolan twins facts... a PERFECT score! Time to kick back and bask in your brilliance. Well done!

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Pretty good! Not quite a perfect score, but you certainly know your Dolan trivia! A very impressive result. Great job!

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Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you could do better! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Dolan Twins | YouTube
Oh dear! It seems you may need to brush up on your Dolan trivia! Never mind - why not retake the quiz and improve your score?