Ultimate Grayson Dolan Quiz!
Are you a true Dolan twins fan? Know your Ethans from your Graysons? Then test your knowledge and take the ultimate quiz!
Is Grayson taller than Ethan?
What unique feature does Grayson have on his face?
What word does Grayson Dolan have tattooed on his calf?
What star sign is Grayson?
What is Grayson Dolan’s middle name?
What is Grayson’s favourite colour?
What does Grayson prefer to peanut butter?
What is Grayson’s favourite number?
Which song has Grayson said that he likes a lot?
What was Grayson afraid of as a child?
Amazing! You certainly know your Dolan twins facts... a PERFECT score! Time to kick back and bask in your brilliance. Well done!
Pretty good! Not quite a perfect score, but you certainly know your Dolan trivia! A very impressive result. Great job!
Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you could do better! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?
Oh dear! It seems you may need to brush up on your Dolan trivia! Never mind - why not retake the quiz and improve your score?