The Ultimate Milli Jo Mcloughlin Quiz
How much do you know about this McLoughlin sister? Take this TikTok-tastic quiz to find out!
How many sisters has Mili got?
Mili is on the left in this picture. Or is she on the right?
Milli is older than Megz. True or false?
Milli Jo and Megz are from Liverpool. Which of these things is Liverpool most famous for?
What football team does Milli Jo support?
Milli and Megz are on Youtube, Tik Tok, Instagram...and probably more things. But what are they MOST famous on?
Which of these people regularly features in Milli and Megz' videos?
Which of these is a REAL Youtube video from Milli and Megz?
Who's this guy?
Complete the title of this video from their Youtube channel: Turning into...
Milli's birthday is the 5th January - what star sign does this make her?
How did the McLoughlin girls get famous?
Uh oh! Milli isn't best pleased! Better try a different quiz, quick!
Not bad! You can do better though. Tr another quiz?
Good work! Look how pleased Milli is! Can you beat ths score on a different quiz?
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