U.S. Coin Identification Quiz
Pockets full of jangling mystery! Can you ID these US coins?
The United States makes billions of fresh, sparkling and star bangled coins every year, but how much do you know about these little metal discs? Have you got it in you to identify them all? There’s only one place to find out, well, aside from checking your pockets! Let’s see how well you do! Sorry there isn’t a cash prize… only quiz glory!

Which president was on the first ever US cent coin?

Cent coins are made of a mix of metals, they are mostly made of a silver metal called zinc, but what metal gives them their orange colour?

What animal is on the back face of the Native American dollar coin?

How much is the biggest platinum dollar worth?

In the 1850s they released a ring-cent because it was cheaper to make - but why didn’t it catch on?

In 1944-1946, just after the Second World War, what were many American coins made from?

What is the name of a coin collector?

How many cents are in a nickel?

Which coin is President John F Kennedy’s head on?

How much was the $50 Golden Buffalo coin worth in 2011?

Oh no! Okay, it looks like US coins aren’t your strong point but that’s okay! You can’t be an expert in everything after all, maybe your talents are better suited somewhere else? Have you thought about trying one of our science quizzes? Why not give them a go and see how you do? Of course you could always have another try at this quiz, but we’re not making any promises you’ll score better!

Nice! You’ve got a pretty good grasp on the coins of the United States, there are still a few questions you didn’t quite manage to get right, but you’ve done really well! With all that other information in your head it must be pretty difficult to fit all these little metal coins in there too, right! If you think you can score higher, why not have another try and see if you can get a better score?

Boom! Nice work! You know almost everything that there is to know about the coins of the United States and you’re not afraid to show it off! Great work! It must be pretty noisy in that brain of yours with all those coins jangling around, don’t forget to save some space for badger facts! So what’s next? We’ve got loads more quizzes on the site, so why not see if you can smash them too?

Awesome! They said it couldn't be done! They said cash and coins are a thing of the past! But not for you! Epic work, you’ve gotten full marks right across the board! There isn’t a coin that you don’t know personally - you’re probably the kind of person that keeps them in special little wallets so you can gawp at them over breakfast, or maybe you’re just a genius when it comes to coins - only YOU know the answer to that one!