Valentine’s Day Quiz: True or False?
How much do you know about Valentine's Day? Find out by taking this blam quiz!
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Matilda | Producers: Danny DeVito, Michael Shamberg, Stacey Sher, Liccy Dahl | Director: Danny DevIto | Jersey Films/Tristar
Every year, more than 36 million heart shaped boxes of chocolates are sold across the USA
More people buy Valentine's Day cards than Christmas cards
School Of Rock | Producer: Scott Rudin | Director: Richard Linklater | Scott Rudin Productions/Paramount
Teachers receive the most Valentine’s Day cards
More people buy more flowers for Mother's Day than Valentine's Day
The lily is the most popular flower bought for Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is named after a bishop who would let Roman soldiers marry their girlfriends in secret, against the wishes of Emperor Claudius II
studiosoriginals | Giphy
In Victorian times it was considered good luck to sign a Valentine’s Day card
In Finland, Valentine's Day is called 'Ystävänpäivä', meaning 'friend's day'
In 1537, King Henry VII declared February 14 as the holiday of St. Valentine's Day
40 per cent of Valentine's Day flowers are bought by women
Oh dear! No Valentine's Day cards for you!
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