How well will you do in this Victorian History Trivia Quiz?
Test your knowledge of Victorian Era trivia in this quiz!
Victorian Era Trivia Quiz!

Who was the Queen in the Victorian times?

What years did the Victorian Era span?

True or false: Children had grownup jobs like working in factories in the Victorian Era?

Which of these was a famous Victorian author?

Which of these was NOT invented during the Victoria Era?

Who was Mary Seacole?

Who was the monarch before the Victorian era?

Who was the monarch right after the Victorian era?

True or false: Women first got the vote in the Victorian Era?

What was The Great Exhibition?

What year did the London Underground open?

Charles Darwin was a famous Victorian scientist - but what did he once eat?

During the Victorian times you could get really gross jewellery - what was it made out of?

What was a Mudlark?

What did nasty Victorian bakers put in bread to make it cheaper?

Smashing! You're a Victorian expert and know all about this weird cool era!

Well done! You've clearly got a passion for history!

Hmm, you know a couple of things about the Victorian era, but there's loads more to learn! Have another go!

Uh, Victoria isn't happy with you! Try again and see if you can please her majesty!