What’s Your Fourth of July Food Personality?
Fire up the BBQ and get your sparklers ready - it's the Fourth of July, and it's time to find out what food you're drawn to on this day!
The Fourth of July is about a lot of things! Independence, of course, but also sports, fireworks, and best of all - food! This quiz will sort out what kind of food you most look forward to on the big day, and what that says about your personality! Are you a barbecue fan, do you have a sweet tooth - and what does it all mean? And we've got more mouthwatering quizzes waiting for you when you're done! See how much you know about strange American food laws, or about retro and forgotten US flavours!

Choose a song to put on your party playlist!

What's your favourite American holiday (apart from the Fourth of July)?

Choose a US state to live in!
4/10 Which incredibly patriotic dog do you want to adopt?

Choose an American flavour!

Which American breakfast food are you craving?

Choose an amazing American animal!

Which Disney heroine is your favourite?

What are you doing on the Fourth of July (apart from eating, of course!)?

Finally, choose a classic Fourth of July food!

You're all about that grilled food! Burgers, hot dogs, ribs, pulled pork sandwiches, chicken wings... and that's just the meat! There's also a whole wonderful world of BBQ for vegetarians and vegans - corn, potatoes, grilled veggies... and we can't even list all the amazing sauces! You love your savoury food, but your favourite part of the Fourth of July is also embodied by the barbecue, and that's hanging out with friends! There's no better place for it than around the grill!

You love an excuse to crack open your favourite drink, and there are SO many amazing ice-cold American beverages to celebrate the holiday with! Coca-Cola is probably the most iconic of them all, but you can also enjoy some root beer, ginger beer, or a traditional cup of homemade lemonade! Make it extra special by adding some seasonal fruits, too! You have a sparkling personality, and you like your drinks to match!

Sweet treats!
You have a real sweet tooth, and what better excuse than the Fourth of July to indulge it? Seriously, there's SO much to pick from - s'mores, New York cheesecake, peach cobbler, cookies, brownies, ice cream and of course the classic American staple, apple pie! You're a very cheerful person, and you love to share your favourite food with friends!

International cuisine!
What's more symbolic of America than a huge spread of international cuisine? Nothing! You enjoy a Fourth of July barbecue as much as anyone, but you also like to mix it up with some amazing international dishes! Greek kebabs, Moroccan couscous, Korean BBQ, Italian pasta, Vietnamese banh mi, Mexican quesadillas... you'll take it all and then some! You're an open and friendly person, and everyone is always welcome to your parties!