Christmas Quiz: Which Christmas Hat Are You?
Answer this Christmas quiz and we'll tell you which Christmas hat you should be wearing!

When do you start to get excited about Christmas?

What's the best part of Christmas day?

What do you want for Christmas?

What is your fave Christmas film?

Pick the image you like best

What is your favourite winter weather?

You're all about the festive Christmas feast and all of the trimmings

Christmas tree!
You get into the Christmas spirit in a big way, but maybe a bit too early!

You're super-Christmassy and all about giving. But you're bored for the rest of the year.

Zoella sprout hat!
You're quirky and love to be the centre of attention

Christmas cracker hat!
You're struggling to get into the Christmas spirit, aren't you?

Wooly hat!
You're one of those people who is always cold but loves going out in the snow anyway.