Which Corpse Bride Character Matches Your Mood Right Now?
The Corpse Bride is iconic - but how do you connect with it?
There are lots of characters in this incredible and kind of spooky film - but which of them is closest to you right now?! Remember it might change in an hour, a day, a minute of a month - we’re talking about right now! This instant, well, once you've made your way through this quiz anyway. So what are you doing dragging your heels, let’s get amongst it!

A pigeon is trapped in a chimney, what do you do?

Which fruit do you feel most like today?

Which is the spookiest?

You’ve lost your keys, where is the most likely place they’d be?

Which is your favourite instrument from this list?

How many times could you watch The Corpse Bride on repeat?

What is the most important thing to do in the morning?

There is a zombie cat eating your lunch, what do you do?

What colour would you dye your hair if you could?

Where would you most like to have lunch?

Okay - this might come across as a strange one - but according to the answers you've given, Maggot is the closest character to how you’re feeling right now! Maggot is always there after all, listening, surveying - now they might not be entirely thinking the whole time, but they’re there and without them - life wouldn’t be half as fun as it can be! Have we got this one right?

Amazing! According to your results, you’ve got the most in common with Bonejangles! They might not be a major major character in the film - but they’re one of the most fun - and that’s a fact! Without Bonejangles - the village that the story happens in would be a very drab and boring place indeed! Does the bouncing energy of Bonejangles match your mood? Or did we miss the mark?

Emily the Corpse!
Awesome! You’re Emily, the star of the show, so much so that the title of the film is pretty much your name! Nice one! Looking at your results and your answers, it’s clear that you’re cruising through life with all the splendour and grace of this character - though of course you didn’t come back to life and you probably don’t have a spooky face!

The Town Crier!
Epic! Now, this is a little bit of a funny character to sum up your mood, but it’s pretty much bang on! The Town Crier wants everyone to know what is happening and keep everyone on the same page! And according to your results, that might just be how you’re feeling too! You’ve a very open person and willing to share what you’re feeling - but we don’t think you need to shout and wave a bell around to do that!