Which Niche Halloween Superstition Are You?
Do you dare take this quiz and find out which weird Halloween tradition you are? Click here to find out, but whatever you do - don't eat the blackberries!
There are a lot of spooky Halloween superstitions out there - some that are still going, and others that have been lost to the mists of time. But which one of these daft Halloween superstitions are you? Answer these 10 quiz questions and we'll tell you!

Pick a Halloween activity!

Pick a shade of black!

Which of these animals is the spookiest?

Pick a pumpkin product!

Now pick a non-spooky superstition...

Do you believe in magic?

Choose a mythical animal:

What are dressing up as this year for Halloween?

Which of these Halloweeny things is spookiest?

Which of these objects has the most fearsome spirit living inside it?

Clothes inside out!
Supposedly, if you wear your clothing inside out and then walk backwards on Halloween, you will see a witch at midnight! We're not sure why exactly, but this is the superstition for you! Are you going to give it a go this year? If you'd rather find out about a different Halloween superstition, just take this quiz agaon and we'll see if you get another one!

Cut open an apple!
According to myths and legends, on Halloween if you cut open an apple horizontally and count the seeds - it will tell you how many children you will have! The good thing about this superstition is you won't be able to prove it right or wrong for a really long time, by which point you'll probably have forgotten all about the apple! Rather a different superstition? Take this quiz again!

Predict the weather!
Want to know which way the wind will blow over winter? Watch a bull! This superstition says that if you find a sleeping bull on Halloween, the way they are facing is the way that the wind will blow for the rest of the winter. Guess it's worth a go! Now, where would we find a sleeping bull?

Don’t eat blackberries after Halloween!
The superstition that's perfect for you is the claim that the Devil comes out after Halloween and messes with all the blackberries. So you shouldn't eat them after Halloween, as he might have done something gross to them! Seems a waste of good blackberries, this one... but it is a superstition after all!