Which Robin Robin Character Are You?
Are you a dead ringer for Robin? Or maybe you're more like Magpie? Take this test to find out which character from Robin Robin is most like you!
You've seen the Netflix Christmas special - but which of the characters from Robin Robin are you most like? Good thing there's a quiz to help you work it out!
Oh, and if you're looking for more stuff like this - check out this Christmas TV quiz, this epic Christmas science quiz, or even this Christmas geography quiz! Phew! That's a lot of quizzes!

Pick a Christmas decoration:

Now pick a Christmas snack:

Pick an Aardman movie:

Which of these things is most important?

What do you think of humans?

What's your favourite thing about Christmas?

Pick one:

What are you most afraid of?

Do you always do your recycling?

Christmas... what?

You're Robin!
You're the hero of the story - Robin Robin! You might not technically be a mouse, but you're definitely part of the family!

You're the Cat!
Booo! You're the villain, the ever-hungry cat! Much cuter than the usual villain though, so you've got that going for you!

You're Dad Mouse!
Family and fun are what matters most to you. You're the head of the family and a burglar extraordinaire, you're Dad Mouse!

You're Magpie!
You're fascinated by all things shiny and are an unexpected best friend for Robin. You're also not bad at stealing stuff from the humans!