Halloween Geography Quiz
Think you know where Yetis come from? Take this quiz to prove it!

Which European country is Transylvania in?
2/9 Whereabouts on this map would you find Egyptian mummies?

As well as Egyptian mummies, there are also Chinese mummies, Mexican mummies, and even Italian mummies! True or false?

Where do pumpkins come from originally?

Here's a tricky one! Where is the story of Frankenstein set?

What's the name of the secret US Army base that's full of UFOs?

Where do Yetis live?

Werewolves come from Canada. True or false?

Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead on the 2nd November?

Wahoo! You know your spooky geography!

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Pretty good... but this pumpkin's seen better. Try another quiz?

Eeep! Uh oh. This pumpkin is not impressed with this score!