Obscure U.S State Nickname Quiz
How much do you know about the US States and their nicknames? Let's find out with this geography quiz! Answer some questions and find out if you know everything about them!
How well do you know the US states and their weird nicknames? Do you know your Sunset State from your Sunshine State? Let's find out with this USA geography quiz! Answer all ten questions and see if you can get 100%! And if you liked this, check out more US geography quizzes here! What about this unusual North American animal quiz? Or possibly you're ready for this retro US food quiz! We've even got this ultimate Thanksgiving quiz!
Let's start fairly easy; which state is known as the 'Sunshine state'?
True or false: Idaho is also known as the 'Spud State' because it grows so many potatoes?
Which of these is a nickname for Nevada?
Which state is the 'Beaver State'?
True or false: Connecticut is know as the 'Redcoat State'?
Which of these is a nickname for New York
Which of these is the 'Cheese state'?
Hawaii is known as the state of which fruit?
Which state is sometimes known as the 'Pelican State'?
Finally; Which rude nickname is sometimes given to 'The Garden State' of New Jersey
Uh oh! Your nickname should be Look at the State of You, because you got 0/10! You'll have to have another go to do better than that!
Not bad, but believe you can do better! Try again and see if you can get 100% on everything Stateside!
Nice job! You've got the States covered - are you ready to get 100% next time?
Wow! You got 10/10, which is basically 50/50 when it comes to State nicknames! Congrats!