Quiz: Build a Snowman and We’ll Tell You How Long He’ll Last!
Using your creative skills, build a snowman by answering a series of questions. Will it last for a day or... forever?
Are you ready?

Where will you build it?

What shape will your snowman be?

Will you smooth off the shape with your mittens?

Will your snowman have arms?

Every snowman needs a hand because it's cold. What will you choose?

What about clothes?

Give your snowman a face...

Does your snowman need a bag?

What about a pair of shoes?

Finally. You'll need to give your snowman a name...

Your snowman will last: 1 week!
A good effort. Your location means it won't be in the sunshine and your choice of shape and accessories means it'll be enjoyed for a whole seven days!

Your snowman will last: 2 hours!
You put your snowman in direct sunlight. Quick, take a picture before it turns into mush!

Your snowman will last: 1 month!
Wow! That's ages! Brilliant work.

Your snowman will last: Forever
Because you built your snowman in the freezing cold garage, it's protected from the light, wind and your jealous rubbish-at-building-snowmen neighbours. But where will the car go? Outside in the garden, probably.