The Ultimate Map of Africa Quiz!
Take our Africa map quiz and find out how much you know about the second-largest continent.
Africa Map Quiz

It doesn't look like it on most maps, but Africa is actually about 3 times bigger than the WHOLE of Europe. True or false?

Which African country is Mount Kilimanjaro in?

Fill the blank! Africa is the ____ continent in the world

The population of Africa is.... what?

What's the capital of Nigeria? Fun fact - this city will one day be the biggest in the world!

What's name of the big island located off the south east called?

Can you name the country highlighted in red?

What's the largest country on the continent?

Which of the following countries are not neighbours with South Africa?

Can you locate Egypt on the map?

Which colour on the map is the Republic of Congo?

Which country on the map is closest to Spain?

The country highlighted in red is Ethiopia. True or false?

How many countries are there in Africa?

Which part of Africa is Senegal in?

Oh dear! Maybe you should have another go!

Good try, but why not have another go and see if you can get an even better score?

Great job! You really know your stuff!

Awesome! You're an expert on everything when it comes to the African continent!