US Inventors and Their Lesser-Known Creations
Are you a fan of weird and wonderful inventions? Answer these ten questions and we'll find out how much you know!
The US has produced all kinds of inventions… so we won’t blame you for not knowing every single one! But how many of some of the USA’s less known creations are you familiar with? Take this quiz and let’s find out how many of these wacky inventions you know about!

Henry Ford designed a car made out of soybeans. True or false?

Thomas Edison is known for the lightbulb, but he also invented the electric pen. What was it meant to do?

The Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla coil. What did it do?

Ruth Wakefield, the inventor of the chocolate chip cookie, originally meant for the cookies to be... what?

George Washington Carver created lots of things from peanuts. Which of these did he not invent?

Who invented the super soaker?

Benjamin Franklin designed a musical instrument. What was it called?

Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin. What was it?

Hedy Lamarr, who helped inventor spread-spectrum technology, also invented... what?

A very clever inventor called Buckminster Fuller invented lots of things including the geodesic dome and... what else?

Oh no! This is not your finest work! You should have another look through this quiz and see where you went wrong! We’re sure you could score higher if you had another go. Up for the challenge? If not, we have loads of other quizzes to try!

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Wow! Nice work! You nailed this quiz! You almost got every single one correct! Well done! You just missed out on one or two right answers… Do you know which ones? Let’s see if you can beat this score on a different quiz!

Amazing! It’s the perfect score! You didn’t get a single question wrong, so you clearly know loads about US inventions and their creators! Now, you can’t beat this score - but you might be able to match it on a different quiz. Up for the challenge? Let’s go!