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USA Food Laws: True or False

Just how much do you really know about the weird and wonderful food rules and laws of America? It's time to find out with this trivia quiz! How many questions can you answer?

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated January 12th 2025

America has some pretty wacky laws - but some of the craziest are all about food! We've put together this tricky true or false food law quiz to see how well you know your food rights when it comes to the USA! Liked this? Check out more food quizzes here! How about this cake anagram quiz? Or maybe you'd prefer this pizza toppings quiz? We've even got this Nandos menu quiz!

1/10 Cola drink with question marks

True or false: coca cola was banned in the USA from 1920-1933?

2/10 Grapes with caution tape over them

What is it illegal to sell in Lee County, Alabama, after sundown on a Wednesday?

3/10 Screaming hotdog in NYC

True or false; sausages are banned from New York city?

4/10 Derpy looking moose in the woods

Which state makes it illegal to give alcohol to a moose?

5/10 Ice cream cone with googly eyes in a man's jean pocket

True or false: in Alabama, what is it illegal to carry in your back pocket?

6/10 Goofy sandwich in the woods

True or false: in California its against the law to eat a sandwich in the woods?

7/10 Smiling cheese next to sleeping persona and alarm clock

True or false: In South Dakota, its illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory?

8/10 woman with spaghetti and derpy looking llama

True or false: In Minnesota you cannot make pasta before 9am?

9/10 Arrow pointing to person holding a pie

What is it illegal to do in Memphis, Tennessee?

10/10 Shocked looking dog surrounded by pumpkins

True or false: in Oklahoma its illegal to feed pumpkin to a dog?

Uh oh! You're under arrest for scoring zero on these fiendish food questions! Have another go!

Uh oh! You're under arrest for scoring zero on these fiendish food questions! Have another go!

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You got one or two right, but not enough to ace this whole quiz! Try again!

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Delicious! You scored really high! But are you ready to get 10/10 next time?

Incredible! You got full marks which means you know everything there is to know about weird American food laws! Congrats!

Incredible! You got full marks which means you know everything there is to know about weird American food laws! Congrats!