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Which Halloween Potion Ingredient Are You?

Horn of Griffyn, Feather of Weevil - what will you be?

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated October 21st 2024

Potions make the world go around, but the right one can also make it stop spinning in its tracks! The best potions require lots of odd and curious ingredients, but if you had to bottle yourself - what would you be? Now is the time of dragons, demons and ghouls, so let’s get into it and see what you really are at your core!


What is your favourite flavour?


Where would you rather live?


A unicorn offers you a wish, which do you choose?


What don’t you ever leave the house without?


Which animal is your favourite?


The cauldron has a hole in it, what do you do?

7/10 A wizard and a cup of tea

Where do you get your news?


What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?


How do you like to spend your weekends?


The sun hasn’t risen in three days, what do you do?

Ancient Ginger Root!

How very interesting! According to your results, if you were a potion ingredient you’d be an Ancient Ginger Root! This pungent root gives life to even the coldest of hearts, it lifts the spirits up to the surface where the other more magical ingredients can turn that life into something far spookier! Just like Ginger Root, you’ve got a little spice to you, and as a flavour, you really bring out the best of the ingredients around you!

Shostakovich's Fingernail!

Wow! This says a lot! Shostakovitch was a Russian composer who lived during the Soviet Union. He was a visionary musician and wrote some of the most powerful and famous pieces of music in history - this passion for music, which you clearly share, has been stored in his fingernails! Add this to any potion and the resulting potion will sound all the sweeter!

Suriname Toad!

Okay, this one is a real doosie! The Suriname Toad is a very rare creature with an incredible, if a little odd way of looking after its young! This toad carries them around INSIDE its own back! Just like you, this toad isn’t afraid of doing things differently, and that’s what makes it such a potent ingredient. However the potion doesn’t work unless the toad has already died of natural causes. If you kill the toad to use it in a potion, it won’t work - and in fact it will backfire and curse eight generations of your family with smelly feet!


Sure this might seem like a basic ingredient, but without it all potions would be far too disgusting to keep down! A bit like you, every potion needs a bit of sweetness, a spoonful of sugar makes the potion go down, as an old warlock once said. That's just like you, because however bad things get, or how bitter the cauldron’s contents, you’re right there to deliver a little dose of joy to the world - awesome!

Vampire Chair

Trick or Treat?

Choose wisely...