Which Spooky Jack O' Lantern Are You?
Are you an expertly carved pumpkin? Or a mushed up melon? Take this spooktacular Halloween quiz to find out what kind of Jack O'Lantern you are!
There's a lot of amazing jack-o-lantern designs out there - but which one is most like you? Are you a complicated arty one? A simple, classic one? Or maybe a silly one! Answer these ten questions and we'll let you know exactly what type of pumpkin is most like you!
Let's goooo!

How do you like to spend your Halloween night?

You are… what?

Pick your favourite Halloween treat:

Where would you rather celebrate Halloween?

How would you decorate your house at Halloween?

Pick a vegetable that’s NOT a pumpkin:

What do you like to use to carve your pumpkin?

Pick a Halloween monster:

Do you like surprises?

What will you do with the leftover pumpkin from your Jack O’Lanterns?

You’re the classic!
You are the good old classic Jack O’Lantern - this old fashioned pumpkin design is an all time favourite. You’ve got perfect spiky teeth, and menacing eyes! Perfect for spooky, candle-lit autumn evenings!

You’re the artist!
This pumpkin is a bit different - and way more detailed! You love putting in lots of effort when it comes to carving pumpkins, and you do an amazing job of getting all those little fiddly bits perfectly in place!

You’re the puker!
This is a hilarious twist on a jack o’lantern - you carve out the middle and then use the guts as pretend puke! You can get really creative with this style of jack o’lantern, try and make it as gross as you can!

You’re the smiler!
Halloween is for spooky stuff - obviously - but you’re also meant to have a good time! So this Jack O’Lantern is a bit different! It’s a fun one with a great big pumpkin smile on its face! Great choice!