Augustin Hadelich Quiz
Bows at the ready! It's time to see how much you know about violin maestro, Augustin Hadelich!
Music maestros are going to LOVE this quiz! It's time to see how much you know about musical prodigy, Augustin Hadelich! He's played on some of the biggest stages in the world, and he's won more awards than you can count - but how well do you know him? It's time to find out! We've got more quizzes for music fans, too - try our super challenging music quiz, or find out what type of music you are!

What instrument does Augustin play?

Where was Augustin born?

Which famous US university did he attend?

What year was Augustin born?

What country are his parents from?

True or false - he won a Grammy?

In which year did he win the gold medal at the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis?

He has an honourary doctorate from which British university?

At which US university does he teach?

What other instrument can Augustin play?

Oops - looks like you've got a lot to learn about Augustin! Why not come back later and have another go?

Not bad at all! You know a bit about Augustin, so well done - but we just know you can get a higher score! Why not come back later and have another go?

Very good! You know way more about Augustin than the average person - it's safe to say you're a classical music aficionado! Well done! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

Wow - a perfect score! Well done! You might actually be a musical genius yourself!